Inspirational depiction of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, the Jesuits' designated "patron saint of youth." This was applied to the inside cover of the memento booklet presented to Fr. Cataldo at his visit to the Jesuit "Scholasticate" (House of Studies),…
Formal photo portrait of Fr. Cataldo, taken while Superior of the the Jesuit Rocky Mountain Mission. Note how the seated pose obscures Cataldo's short stature.
Fr. Cataldo in friendly pose with an unidentified Crow chief. Also present are Bp. Brondel, Helena Diocese and Jesuit Frs. Joseph Bandini and Peter Prando.
Fr. Cataldo seated with elders from the Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Indians, who had assisted with construction of the Sacred Heart Mission Church, N Idaho, in the early 1850s. The occasion was a celebration of Cataldo's 60th year as a missionary in the…
Fr. Cataldo seated with two Sioux Indians, dressed in full regalia. Also present are Jesuit Frs. Henry Westropp, missionary to the Sioux, and Thomas Gasson, rector of the Boston College Jesuit community. Cataldo was likely engaged in a promotional…
Formal photo portrait of Father Giorda, Superior of the Jesuits' Rocky Mountain Mission at the time of Father Cataldo's transfer from California. Notable for his efforts to establish St. Peter's Mission to the Blackfeet, Father Giorda also led the…
Formal document signed by Father Nicholas Congiato, Cataldo's Superior while at Santa Clara, releasing him from obligation to the Jesuits' "Califonia Mission" in favor of the "Rocky Mountain Mission." This release was in direct response to an order…