Biographical booklet published by Laurence Crosby a few years before Fr. Cataldo's death. The author's choice of title introduces a heroic, saintly theme regarding Cataldo's life and character.
Dictated account of his first missionary enterprise among the Spokane Indians. Cataldo also describes some aspects of the establishment and construction of Gonzaga College.
Letter from Fr. Cataldo to layman James Monaghan, his old friend and adviser in business matters. Cataldo is capitalizing on their long, familiar relationship to raise funds for his Nez Perce mission.
Letter from a young man addressed to Fr. Cataldo, requesting admittance to the Society of Jesus. For unknown reasons, this applicant did not become a Jesuit.
Paean to Fr. Cataldo, included in the memento booklet presented during his visit to the Jesuit "Scholasticate" (House of Studies), Jersey, Channel Islands.