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Site of the Casa Professa Novitiate, where Jesuit aspirant Cataldo entered in 1852.  The adjacent church, in foreground, has survived intact,  but the actual residence that Cataldo encountered, has since been destroyed and replaced by the utilitarian…

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Site of the Casa Professsa Novitiate.  Height of the original structure can be seen from the exposed masonry on the side of the adjacent church in the background.

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Layout design overview of the "Transition and Training" display case.


Lithograph portrait of Jesuit General Beckx, who supported Cataldo's requests for eventual assignment to the mission fields of North America.

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Inner courtyard view of the Jesuit central headquarters and archives (ARSI) in Rome, Note proximity to St. Peters and the papal residence in background.

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Jesuit seminary and residence on the site of Boston College's first campus on Harrison Avenue. At the time of Fr. Cataldo's brief overwinter there in 1862/63, Boston College had not yet been established.

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Cover of printed booklet commemorating the "Golden Jubilee" (1851-1901) anniversary of Santa Clara College, Santa Clara, California.

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Constructed during the Civil War, this structure would have been in place, and perhaps used by Father Cataldo, during his two year interim (1863-1865) at Santa Clara College.

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Small printed booklet for devotional use by students of Santa Clara College.

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Small printed booklet for devotional use by students of Santa Clara College.
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